Sunday, August 14, 2016

Learning The Hawaiian Language

The Hawaiian Language alphabet only has 12 letters… The five vowels of a A E I O U and seven consonants  of HKLMNP and W.   Although I'm definitely not an expert in the Hawaiian language, here are some tips that may help you practice the Hawaiian words. Some words you are already familiar with such as aloha and mahalo. Aloha can be used for hello or goodbye and also for a feeling of affection. Mahalo means thank you.   I bet you've also heard of Luau and Waikiki. See you're already becoming an expert.

Keiki (kay-kee)- child or children

Lanai (la-nigh)-porch or veranda

Lei (lay) necklace of flowers, shells or feathers

Ono (oh-no) delicious, the best

Pupu (poo-poo) appetizer 

Wahine (wah-hee-neh) woman

Kane (Ka-neh) man

Kamaaina (Ka-ma-eye-na) local resident

Ohana (o-ha-na) family, related by blood or not.

 Street names can be a bit intimidating, but once you hear the name several times you'll be repeating it like a local in no time. Since living here, I pay attention to the local news cast on their pronunciation of Hawaiian words. It helps me place the accents in the correct place.

 Here are some street names for you to practice on. Good luck!