Keiki (kay-kee)- child or children
Lanai (la-nigh)-porch or veranda
Lei (lay) necklace of flowers, shells or feathers
Ono (oh-no) delicious, the best
Pupu (poo-poo) appetizer
Wahine (wah-hee-neh) woman
Kane (Ka-neh) man
Kamaaina (Ka-ma-eye-na) local resident
Ohana (o-ha-na) family, related by blood or not.
Street names can be a bit intimidating, but once you hear the name several times you'll be repeating it like a local in no time. Since living here, I pay attention to the local news cast on their pronunciation of Hawaiian words. It helps me place the accents in the correct place.
Here are some street names for you to practice on. Good luck!